Bourses de formation en france pour les professeurs des USA
Publié par jean charconnet
Dernière mise à jour le
Appel à Candidatures pour les stages pédagogiques de courte durée (SPCD ) et les stages du BELC
The french embassy in the United states is proud announce that the call for applications is now open for training workshops and programs in France for the summer of 2019.
The links below contain further information and application forms:
- SPCD (stages pédagogiques de courte durée) in Vichy and Besançon :
- BELC (1 month in France for teachers committing to becoming trainers for the French embassy upon their return)
Because the costs of these workshops will be entirely covered by the Embassy of France, we strongly encourage you to apply. The deadline for applications is February 19.
Please do not hesitate to contact your K-12 education attaché at your Consulate, or [email protected] should you have any question about these programs.
jean charconnet
Enseignant(e), Conseiller(ère) pédagogique, Formateur(rice) de formateurs, Responsable de structure, Attaché(e) de coopération
- Linguistique & littérature—
- Didactique